Have you ever had a song stuck in your head that won't go away? Something childish or annoying, and you can't make it stop? Or perhaps an image you saw years ago that keeps reminding you of something you've done? The image I have is a little different...it's a person..her name is Concepcion.
I met her last year in the dump of Guatemala City. She and her husband were both working. She made tortillas for a business, and he recycled items. However, Concepcion's husband was killed this past year by gunshot. He left behind 5 daughters, and Concepcion had to raise them by herself.
Earlier this spring, Concepcion's home was taken away by the "developer" of the dump, and she had to move to another area. As bizaare as it may seem, there are rules that govern the community of the dump. So, she left behind her home and had to start over. She was sent to a new area of the dump..right next to the fresh heaps of trash that are trucked in daily.
With funds sent by various people, a new shack was built for her with wood and tin. It has no holes and provides adequate shelter for them. The biggest gift...according to Concepcion..is a bunk bed that has 3 mattresses. All of them sleep on beds now (2 to a twin mattress). She is thankful beyond words.
As we talk with her, she begins to cry about the mattresses. She is so grateful to have them. But, she doesn't know how she's going to provide food today. You see, it's been raining for several days straight (including a tropical storm), so workers in the dump can't work as usual. They would fall through the trash and get hurt. No one is working right now, so there is no money. Keep in mind that Concepcion generally makes $1-$2 per day, so this is a great loss for her.
My heart breaks. The image of her crying and asking God to bless us overwhelms me. Did I even thank God for my mattress this morning? Did I thank Him for the ability to work? Am I just a healed leper who finds comfort in my own healing without thanking The Healer?
When we left the dump that day, a friend told me that Concepcion was longing for the day when she could own her own tortilla business. She could make more money and provide for her girls if she had her own tortilla maker. The thought never left me...God stirred us to make sure that she was able to have it. Now, she does. But, her image still lingers in my mind. I must get back to her...I must go...I must.