As the 2012 season of ministry and mission begins, this image is perfect to keep us all grounded on the why we go! So many times we are focused in on our desire to impact the masses and forget about the single person a picture can impact. Jesus focused His energy on individuals and met them right where they were. He would sit beside the woman at the well or meet with Nicodemus by night. Jesus would go to the cemetery to meet the family of Lazarus and he would go to the home of Lazarus to celebrate His life and death with dear friends. Jesus was always going to where people lived their struggle out and would meet them there.
This past week a team made the journey to Guatemala and ended up in Sacajvilla serving the families of this Mayan village. One family in particular has captured our hearts. The Ramerez family lives with nine of their twelve children in a small tin house atop the hill in Sacajvilla. The first time I met them, Pastor Morales introduced me to Marc Anthony and his sisters who were at home caring for their younger siblings while their parents were off working. The journey to the point this past week has been a long patient journey of love and trust. this past week the team was able to rebuild their house with new tin and wood. They were able to begin a new start for this family.
As i reflect back on this past week I saw this photo of one of the little girls we met there and have been captured by the image. The faces are all so desperate and seem to burn into your mind and heart forever. I will have some of the images from this past week forever etched in my mind's eye. I think this is to remind me and others of the reason we are called to go to the least of that they will know we are Christians, little Christs, by our love!
I want to ask you to pause for a moment and ask the Lord to show you clearly where He wants you to go this year to be His hands and His feet. Right now, don't stop or hesitate, right now ask Him where he is guiding you to go. Yes we need to serve the local community at home, but I believe He will also call each of us to go! Where will you go this year to see the faces of these little children who need to feel the love of Jesus in your hands? Come on, let's Reach the World together and Teach the Word to everyone who will hear!