Every year I spend a few weeks in the southwestern part of the country among first nation people. This year I was able to serve alongside our partners in Tohatchi, New Mexico for a little over two weeks. I am overwhelmed frequently with many things in this part of the world as the creativity of the Father is seen daily.
As I watched the sunset a few weeks ago I was reminded of how big the sky is in New Mexico. If you've ever been to the southwestern deserts you know what I'm talking about. I could stand in the same spot of the yard of the church and watch the sunrise and the sunset. The horizon is all that hindered my view of the sky.
Psalm 8 speaks of the glory of God being set in the heavens. And Psalm 19 reads, "The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge. They have no speech, they use no words; no sound is heard from them. Yet their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world..."
I realize too many times I limit the power of the Lord in my current situation. My thoughts go directly to the lack of provisions or the things I do not have to accomplish what I think He wants me to do. The whole time he is trying to get me to look up into the sky and see His work of glory and learn once again to trust His heart and lean on His understanding.
So I am writing a blog post now to confess my limited ability to trust in His plan. He reminds me over and over again how faithful He is to His plans and His purposes. I am in need of His wisdom and His understanding in a big way! I see the needs of the people in Sajcavilla, Guatemala and try to figure out how it is going to work. I reflect on the poverty of the Navajo people right here in our own country and try to figure out how to maximize the resources we have for the greatest good. I walk through the rooms at Tabitha House in Guatemala near the dump and look for food and find none. I then begin to plan ways to help provide food on a regular basis for these children and women in such tough situations. Then as if it were the explosion of color that happens at sunrise, the Lord rocks my world with his reminder of His glory and His faithfulness.
God has used many people to provide for the work of One Way Ministries through the thirteen years we have been walking this road. Never once, has He clearly shown us what He wants us to do and not provided. There have been many times I have questioned how or where it would come from. Yet, every time the need was great and the provision was more than we could have anticipated God has reminded me of His purposes and His ways are what really matter!
So in my confession of lack of faith I am also going to put it out there that the Lord is guiding us to deepen our commitments in Guatemala and in New Mexico. This year we still have a big trip to Guatemala we are actively recruiting for in November. The first week in November (Nov. 1-8) we are in need of doctors, dentists, nurses and many other non-medical team members to provide a four day clinic in Sajcavilla. We will be doing many other ministry events during the week as well as several training opportunities for the community. We need you to join us as we pray for the team God desires to be on the ground begins to form now. We hope to put a team on the ground in New Mexico in October to help encourage teachers and administrators in a local school as well as prepare the church for ministry through the winter months. Food is a critical aspect of the weekly ministry of the church in New Mexico. We hope to help them stock their food pantry for the winter as well as prepare for the tough winter with some home repairs and projects around the community. Join us as we pray for this team to form and begin to gather resources to best serve the church and the community on the Navajo Nation.
I know that many people out there are blessed with more than they need. As we read in Psalm 67, the reason we all have been blessed is for the ways of God and His salvation to be made known among all people and all nations. Please join us as we seek to serve the local church and encourage our brothers and sisters in some tough areas of the world to make His ways known. Help us provide for the church through supporting the work in ways that will equip and encourage the church to be the light and salt God has called them to be. Pray with us for long-term partners who will help us support the ministries of the church in Sajcavilla as they reach their own community with the kindness of God that draws people to repentance. Pray about how the Father wants to use you in the harvest field now to help the church bring in the harvest! So, how big is your sky? Is your sky as big as His? Can you see His glory revealed before your eyes as you gaze into the heavens? Is your view of His glory wide enough to be overwhelmed by His greatness and His goodness? Come on look up into the sky and see His work and His glory all around you! Join us as we reach the world and teach the Word!