Many years ago I remember hearing of these quick short stories quoted by a notable man in the media. I was not really sure of who this Paul Harvey was, but it was rather unique the way he would relate a significant point or truth in a brief story that would always have you hanging onto every word. He would then take a break and come back on a few minutes later with the "rest of the story."
About ten years ago I was reading a book on leadership and ran across a very interesting quote that stuck with me. The writer of the book was recounting an interview with Paul harvey late in his life. The topic of the interview was Paul harvey's beliefs and how that had shaped his world view and his public life. I will never forget this one specific part of the interview that has been a part of me ever since. When asked what he believed about God and the Christian faith, Paul Harvey responded, "do not ask me what I believe, watch what I do, that is what I believe."
I have been impacted by that statement for years now. What I do is really what I believe, because it is my beliefs that drive my behavior. This is very true among the church today. What we really believe is what we will do. I think Jesus talked a bit about this when He discussed obedience in John 14:15 where He shares if we love Him we will obey His commands. Belief seems to be the critical issue here, would you agree?
In John chapter 20, we see three different forms or types of belief in Jesus. John runs with Peter to the empty tomb and once going in to see the empty tomb and vacant grave clothes the Bible says that John," saw and believed." John's belief could be called intellectual belief, he saw first hand the tomb and believed based on what he experienced. Mary's experience was somewhat different. She lingered at the tomb after the disciples left to go back to the house. She actually turned and look at Jesus and did not recognize Him until He spoke her name. She then out of the emotion of the weekend and especially the moment responded with belief,"Rabbi!" She heard her name called and responded with belief that it was Jesus, alive just as He said! A bit later Thomas, who missed the first encounter with Jesus and the disciples stood face to face with the risen Lord and touched His hands and side and the Bible says Thomas responded with a confession of Jesus as, "my Lord and my God." Thomas chose to respond with the knowledge he gained by the understanding of the facts presented. He had volitional belief, that which comes from a choice based on understanding.
All three of these believed Jesus had risen and was the Christ. Each one needed a little different nudge to respond. Jesus knew each one's need and provided exactly what each one needed. The amazing thing about that is He still does that today! Jesus is still about custom conversions today!
Today many of you reading this blog will agree with that we believe in Jesus. The question is am I responding to what I believe? Are you doing the things that allow those around you to see what you believe? As Paul Harvey was noted as saying, the rest of the story needs to be told. You and I have an incredible opportunity to be a part of this amazing work of reconciliation. You and I have been given the powerful Gospel message to share. You and I have been placed in a world that desperately needs to hear the message of hope found in Jesus! Will those around you see what you believe and ask you about it? Will you share the rest of the story? Come on let's reach the world with the Gospel message and teach the Word that sets us free in Christ!
In His Grip,
JT Turner