Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Have you felt your knees lately?
I recall the words of my brother Claud Crosby speaking to our team in South Africa a few years back. He shared that too many times we work for the Kingdom of God and pray for His blessing on our work. We will see the power of God move when we seek His will and spend the time we should in prayer first. Then the 30 minutes we spend in the field serving Him will accomplish more in the power of God than 3 hours or even 3 days of me working in my own strength!
My question today is have you (and I) felt our knees lately? Have we been on our knees so much seeking the presence and the power of God that the physical impression of His presence is evident in our body? It is very clear and widely accepted that the remedy for revival in our land is prayer and humility before a Holy God. Are we on our knees praying for His power and His Spirit to work in our land?
Daily we see the headlines and the news reports of chaos in our leadership. Random acts of violence are common place in the first five minutes of a news report. Medeocrity and compromise are now the norm for most leaders. Regularly we hear the reoprts of a fallen politician, pastor, or even family member. When will it all be enough to drive us to our knees? How much more do we have to see and hear before we will humble ourselves and seek His face and turn from our wicked ways? How much more?
Right now....yes right at this moment...stop reading...get on your knees and cry out to Him for help. Take a minute out of the crazy business of our self-driven culturally mandated slammed schedule and pause...wait on Him...listen to His voice...He is speaking to us all. Pause and listen to the sound of the throne...Holy Holy Holy is the Lord God Almighty...who was and is and is to come!
Let's begin now to change our daily routine and instead of seeking to formulate a list of to dos that will accomplish all that I have to do today...I actually pasue and seek His wisdom and listen to His heart for today. Am I willing to surrender all, all to Jesus I surrender, all to him truely owe, all to His will I will surrender. Today make the change...right now...stop and really listen to Him...He desires to pour into you and to me the full power of the Gospel. He desires to see the person in front of you find grace and mercy just like you did.
In His Grip,