Tuesday, September 20, 2011

New 2012 Calendar

We are blessed beyond words for what Christ has done through the ministry this year! He has shown us His perfect timing in so many situations, His provision and His grace. We thank God for those of you who gave of your time, your money and your servant hearts to join us in the field and better serve His kingdom. We could not have done it without you, THANK YOU.

In obedience with His word, we will travel again this year and seek to serve the desperate, forgotten people groups of the world. We ask that you examine your hearts and ask Him how you can serve Him in 2012? Maybe it is to stretch yourself... to go beyond what is comfortable....to go to Guatemala or Africa. Maybe you feel you need to stay within the US this year, we can accomodate trips right here in New Mexico. Maybe it is being a financial sponsor for someone else to attend a trip. However God is calling you to serve....we ask that you pray earnestly, follow your heart and step out. He is waiting for us to meet Him in His plan.

"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere-in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria and to the ends of the earth" Acts 1:8

We are pleased to launch our NEW 2012 calendar...

January 3-14 New Mexico
March 3-10 Guatemala
March 18-24 Guatemala
March 31-April 7 New Mexico
May 26-June 2 Guatemala
June 2-9 Guatemala
June 16-23 New Mexico
June 23-30 New Mexico
July 7-21 Africa
July 14-21 Guatemala
July 21-28 Guatemala
August 24-27 Guatemala
October 6-13 New Mexico
November 3-10 Guatemala
December 26-Jan. 2 Uganda

Please look over it and see where you can be of service.....

Many Blessings!


Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Today is the Day...

Well it has been quite a while since I have written a post on the ministry blog site...and today seems like a good day to do so...9.13.67 began a journey that has brought me to this day some 44 years later and greatly blessed! I have seen many things change in my lifetime. I have watched the gallons in my gas tank decrease as the dollars out of my wallet have increased. I have seen the country move further out and the city seem closer in than ever before. I have felt the days weigh heavier on my stature and the burden of performing daily grow lighter and lighter.

The Father has chosen to pour into my life in s many ways and through so many people. As I reflect today on my birthday I realize God has blessed me beyond belief! It is hard to imagine having so many people wishing you a happy birthday would call you friend! WOW...how blessed I am to have had so many people touch my life! I am so overwhelmed with the number of people who have been a part of the journey so far.

Today as i walk this road of faith I realize today is the day...today is the day to say what is on my mind...today is the day to share what is on my heart...today is the day to speak those words that God has planted deep in my soul through the years of investment and impact from all of the wonderful people He has used to shape and mold my life into what it is today!

Jesus is the Way is what is proclaimed in John 14:6. Whether you believe all that the Bible has to say or not, the only way to the throne of grace is through the way of Calvary! All sin will either be pardoned at the cross or punished in Hell for all eternity! Today is the day to settle that issue for yourself. If you are reading this, you now have no excuse...today is the day you have been touched by the truth of His Word made alive in Jesus! The sin debt you and I have been born under is not eternally held against us! The Good News of the Bible is that Jesus paid a debt you and i could not pay and bought us freedom from sin and death! We have the opportunity to have our sin debt pardoned by the cross and not punished in Hell!

Today is the day for you to settle it forever...Today is the day to not think about it, wonder about it or dance around it! Today is the day to recognize you have no choice but to sin and fall short of every measure acceptance Gods has, yet He has provided a way! Jesus came so that we would have hope beyond this sinful life we were born into. Jesus came as the eternal Redeemer of all creation! Today is the day you can see your sin as the thing that separates you from His grace and confess your sin to Him. Today you can confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord of your life and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead as a victory over death, Hell, and the grave for you. Today Jesus can redeem you from eternal punishment to set you free to live eternally for His great glory!

Where are you today? Not where are you sitting right now as you read this, where are you in relation to eternity today? Have you confessed and been redeemed for all eternity? Has Jesus become your way? Are his ways being made know in all the earth through your life? Is His salvation being made known in every occasion of your journey in this world? Today is the day! Today you can be set free! Today you can confess and believe! Today is the day!

Even though I was born this day 44 years ago, May 29th 1979 I was born again and set free. Free to live a life He has planned for me. I am not wealthy in this world's eyes. I have not been a glowing example of success in the standards of this world's economy or success. I am not the expert in any field or skill. I have not accomplished great things for mankind that have changed the way this world lives. I am not known by famous people all over the world. I am not comfortable with a retirement plan and security of daily provision in my bank account.

I am a child of the King who knows, my past is redeemed, my present makes sense and my future is secure! This is the day to celebrate the joy of my salvation and remember I have a redeemer who knows everything I have been through, everything I will face and will walk with me through the fire to the end of the age and beyond! this is the day of salvation and the day to celebrate LIFE!!!